Welcome to Leaderbyte podcast. On the show we'll be making unique connections between leadership, learning, and life through the power of story. Each episode will feature stories and insightful conversations with leaders from all walks of life. Leaderbyte Host Chester Goad has 15 years worth of leadership experience from education, non-profits, politics, and advocacy. Join the conversation!

Friday Mar 02, 2018
Lessons from the Obstacle Course & Tips for Travel with Ralton Emory
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Working on the road can bring it's own set of challenges. On this episode of Leaderbyte Stories Chester talks with Ralton Emory, Membership Manager for an International Professional Society who shares his own story and tips for maintaing your health and wellness, and healthy relationships from the road as well as tips and lessons he's learned from Spartan obstacle course races. Don't miss it!
BIO: Ralton Emory from Kingston TN, travels the US as Membership Manager for a large International Professional Society.
Twitter: @raltonemory
Insta: RaltonbrentEmory
Influencer he follows: Tim Ferris, Joe Gibbs, Al Mohler, Jocko Willink
Books he's reading: Extreme Ownership: Jocko Willink, Understanding Church Leadership by Dr. Mark Dever

Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Consistency for the Win: An Interview about Transformation & Life
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
The one where Leaderbyte Listeners interview Leaderbyte Host, Chester Goad about his weightloss journey and his quest to tick things off his never-ending life list.
In this episode, listeners submitted questions about weightloss, food, fitness, faith, and life. Chester answers those questions with some back story and fills us in on his year of pursuing new opportunities like working at the Veterinary Hospital, the Bakery, and his favorite local coffee shop-- that's in addition to losing almost 70 lbs! Listeners should come away encouraged, and inspired to follow their dreams--and put some goals in action. For Chester, it was Consistency for the Win in 2017. It's a leadership conversation worth having. Subscribe to the podcast!
Show Note Links:
Watch Jimmy Fallon Rock Purple Rain

Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Amena Brown: Vinyl & Vulnerability
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Sunday Nov 12, 2017
Leaderbyte host, Chester Goad talks with Spoken Word artist, author, leader Amena Brown about life, leadership, and her new project, How to Fix a Broken Record.
Bio: Amena Brown is an author, spoken word poet, speaker, and event host. The author of five spoken word albums and two non-fiction books, Amena performs and speaks at events from coffeehouses to arenas with a mix of poetry, humor, and storytelling. She and her husband, DJ Opdiggy, reside in Atlanta, GA.

Friday Oct 20, 2017
Katie Davis Majors: On Uganda, Life & Hope
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Katie Davis Majors discusses Uganda, Life, & Hope with Leaderbyte Host Chester Goad. You won't want to miss this unique episode in following God's lead to live out your purpose. Learn more about Katie's new project Daring to Hope and Amazima ministries.
Katie Davis Majors BIO:
Katie Davis Majors moved to Uganda over a decade ago with no idea that this would be the place that God chose to build her home and her family. Today, she is a wife to Benji and mama to her fourteen favorite people. Katie and her family invest their lives in empowering the people of Uganda with education, medical care, and spiritual discipleship. She is also the founder of Amazima Ministries, an organization that cares for vulnerable children and families in Uganda and the author of the New York Times bestseller Kisses from Katie.
Learn more about Katie Davis Majors
Learn more about her book, Daring to Hope & Amazima
Follow Katie Davis Majors on Twitter

Friday Oct 20, 2017
Kraig Thompson & The Seed Company: Ending Bible Poverty
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Your host, Chester Goad recently connected with Kraig Thompson, Manager of Mobilization for The Seed Company--a company committed to ending Bible poverty. Over a billion people still don't have access to the Bible in their Heart Language. Learn how The Seed Company is changing that. This is not your typical Leaderbyte episode, but it's fascinating! We couldn't help but share!
Learn more about The Seed Company.
Did you know?
"The Deaf population of Brazil uses LIBRAS (Lingua Brasileira de Sinais, or Brazilian Sign Language) as their first language. These people are a microcosm of the nation, coming from both indigenous Brazilians and from among the many major worldwide ethnicities that have immigrated into Brazil in the past 200 years.
Although their racial backgrounds differ, the Deaf in Brazil share more in common with one another than they do with the wider hearing population. Because there are more opportunities for education and employment for the Deaf (and others with physical challenges) in urban areas, many families with deaf children move from the countryside into cities.
Companies are legally required to maintain a certain percentage of physically challenged employees, but many businesses circumvent or ignore the laws. This practice limits the real opportunities available to the Deaf, and as a result, forces many into low-salaried positions creating a Deaf community majority with serious economic problems." --The Seed Company
The Seed Company is working to change that and to provide Bible translation in the deaf culture's heart language, "Brazilian Sign Language." They're doing amazing things to #endbiblepoverty
Follow The Seed Company on Twitter: @theseedcompany

Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Carlos Whittaker Spider Killer on Leadership & Family
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Leaderbyte Host Chester Goad, learns leadership insights like how to kill spiders and more from author, artist, speaker, Carlos Whittaker aka "Los Whitt".

Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Phoenix Roasters Coffee Co-Founder Jeff Bagwell on Coffee That Matters
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Wednesday Oct 11, 2017
Jeff Bagwell, Co-Founder of Phoenix Roasters Coffee sets down with Leaderbyte Host, Chester Goad, to talk about how coffee can lead the way to change in local and global communities, and the cycle of relief.
What about Phoenix Roaster's Coffee?
Aware of the importance of accountability and relationships, at Phoenix Roasters we purchase our coffee direct from the coffee farm at a price substantially more than the “fair-trade” minimum. Purchasing direct ensures maximum compensation to our farmers and their workers resulting in daily wages over 300% more than other farms.Each bag of Phoenix Roasters sold also resources domestic relief projects such as ending the commercial exploitation of children, ending homelessness, restoring abuse victims, supporting single mothers, and much more.

Friday Sep 08, 2017
Friday Sep 08, 2017
This week Chester picks the brain of Mealfit entrepreneur Thomas Cox. They talk business and bartering, leadership, lifestyle, priorities, and more. Thomas tells his story in his own unique direct way and he doesn't mince words. He spares nothing with his frank advice for leaders or anyone ready to take their passion to the next level. And while he believes owning your destiny whether it's in business or in wellness is not for the lazy, Thomas is clear that anybody willing to put in the time, can do it. Lots more tips, insight, and tough love from Thomas Cox on this episode of The Leaderbyte. Don't let the tough love fool you, Thomas Cox cares about people, and wants them to be successful, healthy, and happy. It's true or Mealfit wouldn't be nearly as successful! Oh, and Thomas was into Crossfit before Crossfit was cool. For tough tips to success and motivation to start pursuing your passion today--- click play, then share with a friend.
Thomas Cox bio:
Thomas Cox is a former college football coach turned nutrition entrepreneur. He is a husband, father, mentor and life changer.
He began his business mealfit in 2013 from his kitchen table. A friend came to him with a dilemma of how to eat healthy and Thomas used his expertise in meal planning to help this friend. This quickly turned into hundreds.
Mealfit is founded on making eating easier and healthier. He feels motivating people through food and lifestyle is the way he can truly impact this world.
As an entrepreneur, Thomas has grown a very successful online, retail and catering business through his holistic grassroots approach. He has seen profits double in every year of business through his knowledge of marketing and customer service.
Follow Thomas and the Mealfit story on Instagram
Follow Thomas and Mealfit on Facebook
Subscribe to the Mealfit Youtube Channel (Hint cooking tips, inspiring stories here)

Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Writer Carole Sparks: Insights and Leadership Tips for Creatives
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Leaderbyte Host Chester Goad, talks with emerging, faithbased writer Carole Sparks who offers insight into her own creative process, advice on being a better leader, and the ultimate influence and inspiration for her writing. This was a deep and intriguing leadership conversation worth having--and one you don't want to miss.
Who is Carole Sparks?
Carole took a round-about path to writing after graduating from both architecture school (BArch 1996) and seminary (MATh 2003) with top honors. Having journaled for years, she began sharing weekly “God thoughts” with a small circle of fellow Christ-followers. More than three years ago, the “God thoughts” morphed into a blog where Carole expounds on the Word of God as it applies to everyday life (and occasionally other relevant topics). In 2014, God called Carole to share the things He had taught her by writing Bible studies. These flow out of the blog posts as the Holy Spirit connects various Scriptures to each other and to the present day.
Having travelled far and read widely, Carole approaches life with the attitude that our experiences are our classroom and that there is something to be learned from every person. She asks, “What does God want to teach me here?” and “What is God saying through this person?” Quotes like, “The unexamined life is not worth living” (Socrates) linger in her mind. Some call it “navel-gazing,” but the time spent in reflection provides her with fodder for writing. More importantly, however, it reveals God’s glory like a silver thread woven through every moment of life—the good and the bad. The tone of her writing reflects that teachability and the idea of working through things together.
Connect with Carole Sparks on Twitter: @Carole_Sparks
Check out her website here at carolesparks.com
Read her latest blog posts on NotAboutMe
Connect with Leadebyte Host Chester Goad on Twitter: @chesterwgoad

Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Faith, Family, Friendship & Fury: A Fun Leadership Convo
Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Leaderbyte Host Chester Goad interviews Scott Kimsey, Director of Basketball Operations for the Tennessee Fury. Scott talks about how leadership, sports, mission and purpose have impacted his life and gives us insight into staying motivated and grounded. Chester and Scott reminisce about growing up, college, and old friends and laugh a lot. Treat yourself to this very authentic conversation that only has a couple of hiccups! This was definitely a leadership conversation worth having. We're proud of Scott's commitment to sports, youth, faith, and community, and we're also impressed that he can tackle himself.
Who is Scott? Scott Kimsey is Director of Operations for the Tennessee Fury and Knoxville Youth Sports. In the past, he administered a large Upward Basketball program and he developed a similar middle school league. Scott has contributed to long-term basketball development in two African nations, working overseas for eight years and traveling to various countries for basketball camps etc. He has played and coached recreationally, mentored college athletes, and raised funds for athletic organizations. Having experienced the positive impact of team sports on young people, Scott believes basketball builds core values of integrity, team work, community, and perseverance. Combined with a strong faith, these values develop leaders both on and off the court.
Learn more about Knox Youth Sports and Tennessee Fury
**This episode is dedicated to our late friend, Andy Botkin who always made us laugh.